UEW Grading System & How to Calculate Your GPA and CGPA.

One of Ghana's premier universities is the University of Education, Winneba (UEW). As a University College, it was founded in September 1992. The University of Education Act was passed on May 14, 2004, elevating the University College of Education of Winneba to the level of a complete university. Since then, the organization has substantially grown and currently has multiple campuses, with the Vice-Chancellor's seat located at the Winneba Campus. At UEW, exams and grading are significant components of learning, much like at many other universities.

 Grading systems are used by educators to assess student performance. Typically, letters and numbers are used to denote the grades of students. 

In this article I have decided to share with you the University of Education, Winneba grading system and how you can calculate your GPA and CGPA.


Mark Grade Grade Point Remarks
80 - 100 A 4.0 Excellent
75-79 B+ 3.5 Very Good
70-74 B 3.0 Good
65-69 C+ 2.5 Average
60-64 C 2.0 Fair
55-59 D+ 1.5 Barely Satisfactory
50-54 D 1.0 Weak Pass
E Fail

Before we move to calculating GPA and CGPA. Let us look at few acronyms and their meanings.
1. Cumulative Credits Taken: Abbreviated CCT, is the total number of credit hours taken in a course for a semester. For example, if a student takes six(6) courses at three(3) credit hours each in a semester, his or her CCT will be equal to 18. 
2. Cumulative Credit Passed: Abbreviated CCP, is the sum of all credit hours of passed. This means that if a student got grade E in a particular course, it does not count to the CCP. Grades A-D are only those that count. 
3. Cumulative Grade Point Average: Abbreviated CGPA, is the total number of grade points from level 100 to level 400 divided by the total number of credit hours. 
4. Grade Point Average: Abbreviated GPA, is the total number of grade points in a semester divided by the total number of credit hours taken in the semester.
5. Grade Point Total: Abbreviated GPT, is the total sum of GP (Grade Points) multiplied by the relevant subjects' credit points.
Let us get into doing some math.
The table below is an academic transcript of a student.



ITE101 3 D 1.0 3.0
ITE102 3 C 2.0 6.0
ITE103 3 B 3.0 9.0
ITE104 3 C+ 2.5 7.5
ITE105 3 C 2.0 6.0
ITE106 3 B 3.0 9.0


ITE111 3 A 4.0 12.0
ITE112 3 C 2.0 6.0
ITE113 3 B 3.0 9.0
ITE114 3 C+ 2.5 7.5
ITE115 3 B+ 3.5 10.5
ITE116 3 A 4.0 12.0

To calculate for the GPA; 
1. Find the total of the GPT Of Table 1.
GTP = 3.0+6.0+9.0+7.5+6.0+9.0 = 40.5
2. Find the total for the Credit
Credit= 3+3+3+3+3+3=18

GPA= GPT/C ;       
 GPA= 40.5/ 18
1. GPA= 2.25
GPA for Table 2
GPA= 57.0/18
2.GPA= 3.17
To calculate for the CGPA 
- Total GPTS for all courses/Total Number of credits for all courses Taken.
- Assuming you’ve taken examination in Level 400 second semester, the GPTs and Credits will be calculated from L100 first and second semesters, L200 first and second semesters, L300 first and
second semesters and L400 first and second
This is how you can go about calculating your GPA and CGPA.
In the next blog that of FGPA will be uploaded and explained into detail.
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