Captain Smart responds to Ken Ofori Atta's defamation letter on Social Media.


Captain Smart, the host of Maakye on Onua TV/FM, also known as Blessed Godsbrain Smart, has issued a response to the defamation lawsuit filed against him by the Finance Minister, seeking GH¢10 million in damages. 

On the Fabewoso segment of the show on Monday, June 5, 2023, Captain Smart stated that he has not been formally served with any lawsuit from Ken Ofori-Atta and has challenged him to take proper legal action.

According to Captain Smart, he discredits the claim made against him on social media and anticipated that Mr. Ofori-Atta's lawyers would personally deliver the lawsuit to his residence if they were serious, rather than resorting to promoting it on social media.

Meanwhile, the broadcaster conveyed his lack of fear towards the Finance Minister and all politicians, emphasizing his willingness to confront Ofori-Atta in court, as he believes that anyone, regardless of their intelligence, can file a lawsuit.

He quoted General Mosquito  saying "Any idiot can go to court".

Following the Fabewoso segment of his show today, Captain Smart shared a picture on his Facebook wall. The image featured a report from Daily Guide about the lawsuit, and Captain Smart added the caption "Eii father Captain" to it.

Background: Captain Smart  sued ¢10m for defamation by Ken Ofori-Atta

This is a video of his response today on Fabewoso.

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Source: Onua TV YouTube Channel

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