Eiiiiii Anwawas3m!! Bird turns into human at Gomoa Mampong in the Central Region.

In an astonishing turn of events, a most peculiar incident has been reported where a bird supposedly transformed into a human being. The incident, shared through a video on TikTok by UTV, took place in the Central Region, leaving many perplexed.

According to the video report, a house owned by an individual named Paa Kwesi in Gomoa Mampong became the center of attention. Paa Kwesi had been suffering from an illness for the past two months, experiencing severe nocturnal headaches. Seeking a remedy, his family consulted a prophetess for spiritual guidance, who advised them to engage in midnight prayers.

The reporter shared that when the family assembled for their midnight prayers, they witnessed a series of inexplicable events. As they fervently prayed, they heard the sounds of two birds landing on their roof. After some time, one of the birds flew away, leaving behind the other.

However, their astonishment grew when they heard a loud commotion from outside. Stepping out to investigate, they discovered that the remaining bird had undergone a remarkable transformation, assuming the form of a human being. The bewildered family members questioned her, and she revealed that she hailed from New Winneba. Shockingly, she claimed to have been paid GH¢50 to kill Paa Kwesi.

Nana Antwi, a respected sub-chief in the area, promptly intervened and urged the community not to harm the young woman. He immediately contacted the police to handle the situation. As the events unfolded, the alleged witch from New Winneba suddenly became unable to speak, rendering her incapable of providing any further details.

The case of the purported bird woman believed to be around 30 years old, has now been forwarded to the Ghana Police Service in Gomoa Okyereko for investigation and resolution.

Click this link to watch the video.

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