5 classic excuses men give for cheating.

These are the common justifications offered by unfaithful Ghanaian boyfriends and husbands. When caught in the act with another woman, these men often resort to well-worn excuses that have been used repeatedly over the years and continue to be employed to this day. Here, in no particular order, are the frequently used explanations Ghanaian men tend to give for their infidelity:

1. Blaming the Devil:

   The timeless classic excuse is to attribute the wrongdoing to the devil's influence. However, let's be clear – it wasn't the devil; it was entirely your own doing. You conceived the plan, carried it out, and derived satisfaction from it independently. The devil can't take the blame for your choices.

2. Lack of Control:

    Some claim, "I don't know what came over me." But the reality is quite simple: it was your own selfishness and thoughtlessness that led you astray.

3. Unintentional Harm:

   "I didn't mean to hurt you," they say. Well, if you truly didn't mean to hurt your partner, you wouldn't have repeatedly planned and executed these actions with multiple individuals. Sit down, because each time, you intended to hurt her.

You may like: Why women cheat.

4. One-Time Occurrence:

   Naturally, nobody readily admits to being a habitual cheater, so they claim, "It was a one-time thing."

5. The Real One:

   Another classic line is to assert that other girls are mere distractions, while your partner is the genuine, irreplaceable one. It's likely just another one of the many lies and excuses, yet, as history has shown, you'll probably fall for it again, just as you always have.

 Have you ever been caught cheating before?

What excuse did you give?

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