How to study the Bible

The Bible is an extraordinary book that speaks directly about God and provides valuable guidance. It offers comfort during difficult times, helps us when we're confused, and gives advice for our problems. It also points out our mistakes and inspires us daily. The Bible covers a wide range of topics, including history, poetry, drama, biography, prophecy, philosophy, science, and inspiration.

Most importantly, the Bible answers timeless questions: Where do we come from? Where are we going? Why are we here? How can we find the truth? It reveals the truth about God, explains how humans began, shows the way to salvation and eternal life, and deals with the issue of sin and suffering.

The main theme of the Bible is the story of Jesus Christ and His mission to save humanity. Jesus is foretold and symbolically represented in the Old Testament. The Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) tell the story of His life, death, and resurrection, while the Epistles explain their significance. The Book of Revelation predicts His return to Earth.

The great things the Study of the Bible will do for us:

1. The Bible discovers sin and convicts us of it.

2. The Bible helps cleanse us from the pollution of sin.

3. The Bible imparts strength.

4. The Bible instructs us in what we are to do.

5. The Bible provides us with a sword for victory over sin.

6. The Bible makes our lives fruitful.

7. The Bible gives us the power to pray.

Many people have approached me with inquiries about the crucial topic of Bible study. Drawing from my limited experience and research, I've compiled this article to assist anyone interested in delving into the study of the Bible.

The Bible is a means to the end of knowing God and doing His will. The Apostle Paul said, 

" Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth" (2 Tim 2:15).

A great scientist and medical doctor, Howard A. Kelly (Professor of Gynecology at Johns Hopkins University from 1889 through 1940), was also an avid student of the Bible. He once said:

  "The very best way to study the Bible is simply to read it daily with close attention and with  prayer to see the light that shines from its pages, to meditate upon it, and to continue to read it until somehow it works itself, its words, its expressions, its teachings, its habits of thought, and its presentation of God and His Christ into the very warp and woof of one's being."

Practical Steps of Bible Study

1. Begin your Bible study with prayer (Psalm 119:18; John 16:13,14,15)

2. Take brief notes on what you read. Keep a small notebook for your Bible Study.

3. Read slowly through one chapter, or perhaps two or three chapters, or perhaps just one paragraph at a time. After reading ask yourself what this passage means. Then reread it.

4. It is often very helpful in finding out the true meaning of a chapter or passage to ask yourself the following questions, then write the answers in your notebook:

a. What is the main subject of this passage?

b. Who are the persons revealed in this passage. Who is speaking? About whom is he speaking? Who is acting?

c. What is the key verse in this passage?

d. What does this passage teach me about the Lord Jesus Christ?

e. Does this passage portray any sin for me to confess and forsake?

f. Does this passage contain any command for me to obey.

g. Is there any promise for me to claim?

h. Is there any instruction for me to follow?

Not all these questions may be answered in every passage.

5. Keep a spiritual diary: Either in your Bible study notebook mentioned above or in a separate notebook entitled, "My Spiritual Diary", write down daily what God says to you through the Bible. Write down the sins that you confess or the commands you should obey.

6. Memorize passages of the word of God. No one is ever too old to memorize the word of God. Write verses on cards with the reference on one side and the verse on the other. Carry these cards along with you and review them while you have spare moments.

Other persons may prefer to memorize whole passages or chapters of the Bible. A small pocket Bible will help you review these passages when you have spare moments. You can do this before you go to bed.

7. Finally meditate on the words you read. To meditate means to reflect, to ponder, to consider, to dwell in thought what you read from the Bible. Through meditation, the word of God will become meaningful and real to you, and the Holy Spirit will use this time to apply the word of God to your own life and its problems.

I hope these steps will enhance your Bible study experience and contribute to your growth as a Christian.

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